Channel the power of the Sith with the Darth Maul iconic double-bladed replica lightsaber, a striking weapon inspired by the iconic movie "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace." Constructed to match the chilling beauty and fierceness showcased in the film, this lightsaber is a must-have for any dedicated fan. At Great Forge Sabers, we take immense pride in delivering not just lightsabers, but intricately crafted masterpieces that fuel your passion for the vast, intriguing galaxy far, far away. Each piece is carefully designed and assembled with precision to ensure that our customers receive products of the highest quality.This awe-inspiring, double-bladed lightsaber is an impeccable addition to any collection, offering the same menacing elegance and striking appearance as seen on the big screen. Whether you are a serious collector or a Star Wars enthusiast, this lightsaber stands out as a testament to your admiration for the Sith Lord. It’s more than just a possession; it’s a symbol of your connection to the Star Wars universe.With Great Forge Sabers, you don't just own a lightsaber; you own a piece of cinematic history, skillfully recreated for the ultimate Star Wars experience.
Darth Maul
Size of blade
OD: 7/8 inch
Length: 82cm 32"/92cm 36"
Size of hilt